Project Ready

Project Ready is an experiential work readiness and personal development program that was first developed and delivered in 2017 to assist disengaged students to become re-engaged in their education and ready for the future world of work.

Since then, Project Ready has been redeveloped to meet the needs of a wider range of students who have not identified a preferred career or vocational pathway, or developed the work readiness skills required to successfully transition into further training or the workforce.

Project Ready is a full-year VET program mapped against Certificate II in Active Volunteering. The program is auspiced by IVET and delivered by a TAE qualified trainer (known as a Project Ready facilitator).

Project Ready aims to support students by:

1: Building ‘groupness’; a safe group space where students feel comfortable to share a develop personally

2: Helping them discover their unique skills, strengths and passions in order to plan their career

3: Helping them understand possible training and work pathways through a range of career development and industry engagement activities

4: Introducing them to design thinking theory

5: Building self-worth and resilience through personal development activities, volunteering and community involvement

6: Improving their communication skills and teaching them workplace communication

7: Helping them understand how to work effectively with a diverse range of people

8: Teaching them work readiness skills, such as the job application process

9: Teaching them project development, enterprise and entrepreneurial skills

10: Teaching them OH&S skills

11: Facilitating work placement opportunities

12: Training them in personal effectiveness; goal setting, stress management and mindfulness.

Click the image below to read more.


South West LLEN & Project Ready

South West Local LLEN is proud to be providing Project Ready, a 12 month program which provides students with the skills they need to enter the world of volunteer work.  Incorporating VET Certificate II in Active Volunteering, Project Ready is effective in re-engaging students in their education and helping them get ready for their future worlds of work.

Students participating in Project Ready undertake a community project, design thinking theory, teamwork, career planning, communication and diversity training, workplace health and safety, work placement, industry engagement activities, field trips, enterprise & entrepreneurial skills, wellbeing development and personal effectiveness.

For more information about Project Ready, please contact Denise Madden -

Click the images below to read Project Ready related news:


Project Ready: boosting volunteering

South West LLEN on the hunt for volunteer mentors in Colac