Info for parents & carers
LLENs have operated from 2002 to connect employers, education and training providers, government groups, agencies and individuals to help turn business and community needs and ideas into new and innovative programs for young people.
The School Business Community Partnership Brokers program in Victoria is delivered through the Local Learning and Employment Network jointly funded by the Australian and Victorian Governments under the National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions, a joint initiative of the Australian and State and Territory Governments.
LLENs continue to exist to help improve education, training and employment options for young people with an extension of the age range from 15-19 years to 10-19 years.
LLENs work particularly to assist those at risk of making poor transitions from compulsory schooling to the next stage of their lives and careers.
LLENs continue to be managed by the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD).
Membership of a Local Learning and Employment Network is drawn from any individual or organisation with an interest in post compulsory education, training and employment within the area covered by that LLEN. You can find more on LLEN Membership here.